Our Relationship

When Solaris Corporation talks about wealth creation, that is because we are a strong believer in ensuring wealth not just for our investors, but also for our partners. We believe that working with local businesses is the best way of guaranteeing money flows into an area and also that by working with those local businesses we develop a reputation of being a reliable partner.

How our values apply

Curiosity: We want our partners to ask questions, as much as we will ask questions of them. This applies both to the formation of our relationship, but also in regards our future collaborations. That way we know each other and know what to expect of one another.

Openness: We understand that communication is one of the most fundamental aspects to business. In turn it is probably one of the ones that often causes challenge. We want to understand the challenges our partners face at the start, not at the end. In turn we are open about what we are looking for and can promise. That way both our and our partners’ expectations are managed.

Relationship: We look to establish long-term relationships with our partners. That way we know the level of reliance we can place on one another. In turn we always welcome meeting new potential partners that mean we can expand on our offering.

Personal Commitment: We offer and expect personal commitment. We look for passion from our partners in regards achieving our goals and delivering on promises made. In turn by understanding your needs we will deliver on our promises to you.

We are looking for strategic partners seeking long term business relationships.

To learn more, please contact us on 07821 170822 or enquiries@sol-corp.com